Hope & Happiness

Hope & Happiness



Everything happens for a reason.

* The one that reaches for your hand, but touches your heart is a true friend.

* We rarely think of what we have, but we always think of what we need.

* Don’t cry because is over, smile because it happened.

* The more you plan it, the harder the destiny will be on you. You can’t plan destiny; Let it flow.

* Everything happens for a reason. Don’t question it; you will eventually understand it.

* The best things happens when you least expect it.

* The best moments are not the loudest ones, but the quiet ones. If you are on your own in that silence you hear your Heart beat. There’s no better place to meet yourself.

* One of the hardest things to learn is: what bridge to cross and which one to break.

* Everyone sees what you seem to be, but only a few know who you really are.

* Don’t fear if you fall into the abyss; It’s there in the darkest and deepest where you will find the light that shines twice as bright.

* God wanted you to meet many different people
in life so when you meet the right ones you are able to appreciate and be thankful for them.

* Don’t forget that there is something good in everyday.

* Life is a white sheet of paper where we draw each day without a copy.

* Love doesn’t require two people to look at each other, but to look in the same direction.

* I wish you: Air to breath, Fire to warm up, Water to drink, the Earth to live and Health all the time.

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