Hope & Happiness

Hope & Happiness



From my heart to your lonelines

* To you that many times looked for me without finding me, and heard me   without listening.

* Many times you promised to follow me and not knowing why you got lost instead.

* I’m always with you even though you doubt sometimes.
* You look for me without finding me and lose your faith trying.
* Sometimes you think I’m a memory and don’t understand that I’m alive.
* I’m the way the truth and the life.
* The way for you not to get lost
* The truth for you not to get confused
* The life for you not to die

* My favorite theme is Love. That was my reason to Live and to die.
* I was free till the end. I had a clear ideal and defended it with my blood
* I was a teacher and a servant.
* I’m sensitive to friendship and I have been waiting for yours.
* No one knows your feelings, your thoughts, your heart like I do and I know how valuable you are.

* I know you have a hidden treasure in your heart full of Love to give and share.

* Dedicate some time to learn about yourself and you’ll make a place for me in your heart.

* I’ve been knocking the door of your heart for a long time and I still don’t get an answer from you.

* It hurts me that you Ignore me; Condemned me like Pilate; Deny me like Peter and Betray me like Judas.

* I ask you to have:
 Patience with your parents; Love to your significant other; Responsibility to your children; Understanding to your brothers; Compassion with the ones who suffer; Kindness and Assistance to everyone.

* I wish I don’t have to see you being selfish, greedy, proud, rebel, dissatisfied and pessimist.

* I wish your life was full of Joy, Happiness, Gratitude, Faith, Trust, Hope, Humility, Principles, Moral, Politeness and Optimism.

* Don’t ever think you are worthless, don’t get depress. Every time you feel sad, weak, tired, hopeless look for me, talk to me.

* Let me handle all your problems. Be grateful and believe in me. Let me know every day how thankful you are and how much you trust me.

* Don’t forget I only needed a donkey to arrive in Jerusalem; and I only need your simplicity and humbleness to enter in your brother’s soul.

* Don’t ever feel alone remember I’m always with you.
* Don’t get tired of praying I won’t get tired of listening and providing.
* Don’t quit following me I won’t stop giving you company.
* I will never leave you alone. I’m here to help you.
* I’m always here waiting for you to open up your heart and let me in.
I love you very much,

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