Hope & Happiness

Hope & Happiness



May you bless each of us each day

 Lord, creator and owner of time and eternity. Yours is today, and tomorrow. I want to thank you for all I got from you.

Thank you for the Life, the love, the flowers, the sun, the light, the wind, for the happiness and sadness for everything that was successful and for what was not.

I offer you everything I was able to do and accomplish, the job I did, the things my hands touched and all I was able to create with them.

 I introduce you to all the people that passed by my life all these months: The ones I loved; The new friends I made; The old friends; The ones that are still close to me; The ones that are far now; The ones that gave me a hand and support; and All those I was able to help; The ones that I cried and laughed with; The ones I shared this time of my life in good and bad times; and all those that spent time with me.

 Lord, I want to ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for all the time I wasted, for the money bad invested, for the cruel word, for the good I didn’t do, for the love I didn’t share, for the things I didn’t do right, for not giving and sharing more, for not being fair, for the times I complained; and for not living with enthusiasm.  

Also, for not thanking you and trusting you enough; for the prayer I didn’t say; for being weak, careless, selfish, and distracted by the things that get me away from you; for the times I got away from you forgetting that you are the way, the truth and the life.

I take the time to look at the calendar to present the next days to you cause only you know if I get to live them. 
May you bless each of us each day and let us live in the glory of Your grace showing us the right path. May Peace Prevail On Earth. May the ones that don’t know you get to know you. May we get to live in peace, harmony, and love.

 Lord, grant me acceptance, serenity, courage and wisdom. I want to live each day with Faith, optimism and kindness; be understanding, patient, caring, compassionate and transmit this to others.

 Lord, close my ears to all unfaithfulness, dishonesty and Lies; Close my lips to negativism, selfishness, and hurtful words.

 Lord, may I be opened to good and may my spirit be full of blessings that I can spread around as I go. May I be full of kindness and happiness so that everyone I meet in life finds you in me.

 Lord, grant us blessed and happy days; and teach us how to pass faith and happiness along.

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