Hope & Happiness

Hope & Happiness



Lord Teach me...

Help me to tell the truth before the strong;
and not to tell lies to win the applause of the weak.
If you give me fortune, don't take away my reason.
If you give me success, don't take away my humility.
If you give me humility, don't take away dignity.
Help me always to see the other side of the coin,
don't let me blame others of treason because they don't think like me.
Teach me to love people like unto myself
and not to judge myself like unto others.
Do not let me fall into pride without triumph,
neither in desperation without failure.
Rather remember me that failure
is the experience that precedes triumph.
Teach me that forgiveness is a sign of greatness
and that revenge is a sign of lowness.
If you remove from me success, leave me strength to learn from failure.
If I offend people, give me courage to apologize
and if people offend me, give courage to forgive.
Lord...if I forget you, never forget me!


  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful approach of thinking. KATHERYN,plz, can you share the source of these words?

  2. And If you allow can I post it on my wall for my friends as a source of inspiration.
